Welcome to the John Guild Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), in Jackson, Missouri.
Have you ever wanted to get involved in promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism in your community? Look no further! Our organization is dedicated to intentionally promoting these important values in our local communities, throughout the state of Missouri, and across the nation. By joining us, you can make a real difference in preserving history, promoting education, and instilling a sense of patriotism for future generations. Get involved today and be a part of something meaningful and impactful. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for meeting information on Facebook or by email. We would love to have you visit. If you are from the Cape Girardeau and Jackson area, maybe your Revolutionary War Patriot is the same as one of ours.
Established in 1890 and later incorporated by an Act of Congress in 1896, the National Society Daughters of American Revolution (NSDAR) opened the door for our chapter to form just 18 years later. Delve into the origins and journey of our chapter by reading about our history. Be sure to click to the National Society website or the Missouri State Society website to learn even more about our organization.

We would love to have you join us! Contact us for meeting details if you are interested. Five regular business meetings are scheduled in September, November, February, March, and May. The regular meeting in May is the chapter’s Annual Meeting and includes the annual reports of officers and committees, and the election and installation of officers. Chapter meetings begin with patriotic activities followed by refreshments, the business meeting, and a program.